Posted: March 14, 2012
Reading: "The Wind in the Willows" (due Friday)
Math: Lesson 6 (due Friday)
p. 236-7 #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 (due Thursday)
Writing: Lesson 8 (due Friday)
Science: Don't forget about Science Fair projects! Our school fair will be held March 21.
Social Studies: 5B will be having a medieval feast tomorrow (Thursday, March 15). Boys are asked to bring in plain, long short-sleeved t-shirts and plain long-sleeved shirts to wear underneath. Girls are asked to bring in plain, long-sleeved shirts and long skirts. If you don't have these items at home, please let me know as we do have some extra items in the drama room. Students should still plan to bring a lunch or buy their lunch as per usual in case the medieval fare isn't to their liking.