Posted: May 16, 2011
Hello everyone!
Here is the homework for this week! I hope you all have a fantastic week!
Literacy: Please remember to record your books read for the month of May. You can use your April sheet to record your books,
as there should be enough space.
Read for 20 minutes each night
VIP Report: Please complete the web for your chapter book. Find a character from your book who interests you. Pretend
you are that character and put their name in the center web. Write all your "sense" words in the spaces provided on your sheet.
Pick a scene out of your book in which your character would have touched, heard, saw, tasted and smelled something. Have fun!
Math: Complete questions on substracting decimals to tenths. There is a short review on the first page.
You can try: "Stretch your thinking"
Remember that your May spelling word test will be on May 30th.
-Miss. Hitchman :)