Posted: February 5, 2012
We're back online! Yay!!!
February Homework calendars will be going home this week. There are ideas for homework extensions on the bottom of the calendar. Please continue to practice the sight words that have been sent home and review letter sounds.
In Math, we are working on a unit on geometry and measurement. Encourage your child to look for and identify shapes in the environment and to compare different sizes of objects.
The 100th day of school is approaching. Work with your child to gather 100 objects. Have them group/count in sets of 10. Fruitloop necklaces and pictures made from cheerios or stickers are easy and fun to make.
When your child brings home a guided reading book, have them read it aloud to you. Ask them questions about what they have read. Encourage them to read the book more than once. This will help develop reading fluency.
We will be finishing up our Five Senses unit this month.
We will be going on a tour of the Miramichi Regional Hospital later in the month. More details will be sent home closer to the trip.
Show and Tell can be any object of your child's choosing. Encourage them to bring something that they can easily talk about. See the show and tell schedule that has been sent home for your child's week.