Posted: April 20, 2015
This week we are working on the "at" and "an" word families. If you know how to spell at, you can spell cat, hat, bat and sat! If you know how to spell an, you can spell ran, fan and tan! What other words can you find that are part of these families? Follow the link to sing the word family song! Keep practicing your sight words and try writing a story at home. Remember to use finger spaces! In Math, we are working on the number 8. Practice printing 8's at home. What number comes before 8? What number comes after 8? We can make sets to show the number 8. For example, 4 apples and 4 oranges make 8 pieces of fruit! 5 happy faces and 3 crazy faces make 8! Try drawing some examples at home. Wednesday is Earth Day! We have learned about recycling and ways to keep our Earth healthy. Pick up some litter or practice recycling this week! Our playground is very wet and we still have snow so make sure you have skipants or splash pants and boots!! It would be a good idea to put some extra socks in your bookbag! Have a great week!!