Posted: December 16, 2012
The countdown to Christmas is on! Santa will be here before we know it!
This week, we will be working on the letters Yy and Zz. Show your parents what yancy yak and zeke zebra say and do. Yy is found in words like yarn, yellow, yes and yipee! When we print a lowercase y, it hangs below the line. Zz is found in zebra, zap, zipper and quiz. What other words have these letters?
We are finishing the alphabet this week but will continue to work on our letters and review their sounds in January.
There will be no show and tell this week.
There is no homework this week. Keep reading and reviewing your sight words!
Our Christmas concerts will be on Wednesday at 10:00 and 12:30. The snow date is Thursday.
This is Miss Case's last week with us! Hopefully, she will come back and visit in the New Year! Congratulations on finishing your teaching degree, Miss Case!
This is going to be an exciting week in Kindergarten! We have lots of Christmas themed Math and Language Arts activities to do!