Posted: February 16, 2015
This week we will continue to review vowels and their 2 sounds (a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y). How many words can you think of where the letter a says it's own name? (ex. ape, crate) Continue reviewing your sight words and remember to read every night! In Math, we are learning about nonstandard units of measurement. For example, we can measure how long a book is using linking cubes. Try measuring at home. The 100th Day of School is coming up! As of today, it will be on Tuesday, February 24th!! We have lots of fun activities planned for the day. I am excited to see the collections and/or projects that you bring in. If you need some ideas, there are videos and image galleries for previous years on this page as well as, Mrs. O'Toole's class site. Have a great week!