Posted: January 14, 2013
We have a new student in our class. Welcome to Gretna Green, Kya!
This week, we will be reviewing all our Zoophonics sounds and signals. Keep practicing these at home. Parents, make up some nonsense words and see if your child can sound them out! Use words like: suv, nip, sen and vov. You can also say a word and have your child tell you the sounds in the word. For example, if you say dog, your child will say /d/ /o/ /g/.
Encourage your child to write at home. Let them help prepare grocery lists or write notes to family members. Encourage your child to stretch out the words and put down all the sounds they hear.
In Math, we are working on shapes. Look around and see how many shapes you can find!
Show and Tell will be on Friday. Check the schedule to see if it's your turn.
During recess on Friday, students will be participating in a crazy sock hop! Wear some crazy socks to school that day!