January 27th - 31st

Posted: January 26, 2014

It's going to be another busy week in Kindergarten!  We are going to continue working on sounds of single letters and groups of letters. Do you know what the letters /br/ say together?  How about /ch/? Keep practicing your reading and sight words at home.  We are going to keep working on adding detail to our stories.  Try writing a story at home and bring it in to share! In Math, we are working on shapes. Look around and see what shapes you can see.  Describe what a cube, cone, sphere and pyramid look like to your parents.  Find objects in your home and sort them into groups. Can you explain your sorting rule? Wonder Wednesday will continue this week with more activities on the brain and your five senses!  Do you remember what the brain does? We are going to begin to prepare for an upcoming Skype with a Kindergarten class in North Carolina.  Hopefully, we'll be able to connect soon! Library is Thursday.  Show and Tell is Friday. Check the schedule to see if it's your turn.