Posted: November 18, 2012
We are almost through the entire alphabet! Wow! I am really proud of the progress everyone has made learning their letters and sounds. Show your parents what you know and sing the "Do You Know Your Alphabet" song with them.
This week we will be working on the letters q and r (queeny quail and robbie rabbit). Qq sounds like /kw/ and can be found in the words queen, quiet, quick, question and quilt. Notice anything special about those words????? The letters q and u stick together like glue! They are Best Friends!!
The letter r can be found in words like rabbit, rotten, red, ready, really and rooster. It is a fun sound to make. Can you think of some other words with these sounds?
Our sight words this week will be: it and me. We will be working on using these words in our writing!
We will be starting some new centers this week. If the weather is nice, we may go outside for some Math!!
There is no school on Friday so homework is due on Thursday.
Report cards go home on Monday. Parents, please sign and return the envelope. Thanks! Parent Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Appointment times will be in the report card envelopes.