Posted: November 5, 2012
This week we are working on the letters m and n. The m sound makes our mouths tingle! It can be found in words like mouse, Maggie, Meaghan, Adam, Matheson, me, monster and mom. Look around. Where else do you see the letter m? When we make the sound for the letter n, our toungue touches the roof of our mouth. It can be found in words like nice, Nigel, night, no, not and Nate. Practice printing these letters at home. We will be practicing our alphabet and printing in centers this week.
Our new sight word this week is: IS!!!!!! We use this word a lot when we talk and write. Try and use it in a sentence. For example: It is sunny outside.
Our school Remembrance Day ceremony will be on Friday, November 9th. Talk to your parents about why it's important to remember. Adam will be laying the wreathe for our class.
We are working on counting and making sets to 5. Read your pumpkin counting book to someone at home. Practice printing these numbers.
Have a super week in Kindergarten!