Posted: October 21, 2012
This week we will be working on the letters i and j. They look a lot a like! The letter i is a hard worker just like a and e. That means it makes 2 sounds. It can be found in many words such as: like, it, if, is, igloo, ice cream, Hilary, Olivia and inchworm. Jellyfish, jam, jump and jet all begin with the letter j. Look around and see where else you can find these letters.
Our word of the week is "and". Try and use it in a sentence for your parents. For example: I like dogs and cats! Last week, we worked hard on the word "to". Sing the to song for your parents!
We are going to put our detective eyes on this week and examine a pumpkin. I wonder how tall our pumpkin will be and how many seeds it will have? We are also going to create some cool pumpkin pictures.
This week the student council is having a candy guess jar. Each guess is 25 cents.
Congratulations to George. He was the top seller in the whole school for the fall fundraiser! George won his very own laptop! Wow!
Have a super week boys and girls!!