Posted: September 16, 2012
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. We have a lot to do this week!
On Monday, we will be starting Zoophonics. We will work on 2 letters a week. This week, we will be working on the letters and sounds for /a/ and /b/. See if your child can hunt for these letters around the house! We are still working on our names. Have your child practice printing and spelling their name.
We will have Show and Tell on Fridays. The All About Me bags that you brought in last week were fantastic! I loved seeing and hearing about the things that are special to you. This week we are learning the letter sounds for /a/ and /b/. For show and tell, please bring in something that has the /a/ or/b/ sound in it. For example, you could bring in an apple or a teddy bear!
Wednesday is picture day! Remember to bring your best smile!!! We will stay in for recess.
The spare change drive for Terry Fox is this week. Anyone that brings in $1.00 will get their name entered for a draw to be principal or vice-principal for a day!
In Math, we will be starting our first unit on patterns. Patterns are everywhere!