The Rosengren family recently bought tickets for our middle level Drama Club fundraiser and they won! They were the lucky winners of over 800.00 worth of gift card certificates. Enjoy this great prize Rosengrens!
We would like to remind everyone of our series of winter activities planned for this week in celebration of WinterFest 2020. A special thanks to Mr. Ryan for organizing this great buffet of outdoor winter activities for our Gators! Please see our full schedule under the documents tab of our school homepage.
We are happy to announce that our awesome Home & School will be celebrating Staff Appreciation Week at GG from Monday, February 10th to Friday, February 14th. A notice was sent home with your child with the daily events planned for the entire week. Please see the full schedule under the "latest documents section" of our school homepage. Thanks again for all your support!
There will be a parent information meeting regarding French Immersion entry and Intensive French Program options being offered in ASD-N for next year. So if you are considering entering your child in grade 1 French Immersion or want more information regarding the Intensive French programs being offered you should attend this meeting. It will be held on Tuesday, Februrary 4th at 6:30 pm at Max Aitken Academy.
Whats cool about Gretna Green? Mrs. Moreshouse and her SuperFlex Crew is what is cool about our school! They were showcased in a recent video created by ASD-N celebrating what they have accomplished at Gretna Green over the years. Check out the video by clicking on the following link,
The winter season is upon us and with it comes inclement weather. Our district superintendent, Mark Donovan, has sent home a notice for all parents regarding expectations for school closures and the possibility of late school starts due to inclement weather. A memo was sent home this week with your child outlining district procedures regarding school cancellations and late school start up due to inclement weather. A digital copy of this notice can also be found on our school homepage under the documents tab.
There will be a parent meeting tomorrow Thursday 09 Jan at 4:30 for the parents of children involved now with wrestling or wanting to be involved with wrestling. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria.
We would like to wish Happy New Year to our entire learning community! We look forward to making things happen during this new decade. We would also like to remind everyone that our students first day will be Tuesday, Janauary 7th for K-8.
Our school leadership team have an array of Christmas theme activities planned for the week. They are as follows:
Monday: Christmas Hat Day
Tuesday: Red & Green Day
Wednesday: Christmas Socks Day
Thursday: Christmas Sweater Day
Friday: PJ Day and last day of school!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to entire learning community and see you all in the new year! First day back for all students will be on Tuesday, January 7th!
Our annual Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday, December 12th at 10:00 am. Please use gym doors to enter the building. Access to the gym will be open at 9:00 am and not earlier. Parents and guests are permitted to park at the back of the school after 9:15. Good will monetary donations will be accepted at the door in support of our school theatre arts program. Hope to see you all there!