Posted: March 15, 2014

Just how cute is Gretna Green?  Well it's cute enough to have received 7 nominations in this year's CUTE Award ceremony being held on Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00 pm at JMH.  Come join our finalists of teachers and students as they celebrate the innovative learning opportunties being created at our awesome school and district!  Congratulations to Madeline in grade 2 who has been selcted as this year's back stage reporter, bravo!  Here is a list of our finalists ... 1.       Defenders of Middle Island (Krista Bransfield) in the 21st Century Learning Elementary category has been selected as a finalist. 2.        Cool History Kids (Charlotte Loggie) in the 21st Century Learning Elementary category has been selected as a finalist. 3.        Superflex Crew (Natalee Morehouse)  in the  21st Century Learning Elementary category has been selected as a finalist. 4.       Gretna Green Elementary School Spirit Video (Mrs. Simmons) has been selected as a finalist in the School Spirit category and will be featured during the evening, with an opportunity to win a "School Prize Package". 5.       GG Times (GG Times News Crew) (Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. O'Toole) in the Video Documentation category has been selected as a finalist. 6.       Mrs. Simmons, you have been nominated by Merle Campbell and Tricia Rooney and have been selected as a finalist in the Teacher Website  category for the 2014 ASD-N CUTE Awards . 7.       Mrs. O’Toole, you have been nominated by Rachel Tsistinas, Christine Connell and have been selected as a finalist in the Teacher Website category for the 2014 ASD-N CUTE Awards.