Posted: February 14, 2011
How CUTE is Gretna Green? Well, we are going to soon find out. Gretna Green received some great news today. We received our highest number of nominations ever for the annual District 16 CUTE Awards to be held this Wednesday, February 16th. Congratulations to all our students and teachers who have been nominated for this year's award ceremony. You all play such a great role in making our school a fun place to learn! Listed below are our proud finalists:
Collaborative Project: Ms. Lynch – Gretna Green Elementary School – “Square of Life”
Photo Essay: Mme Gallant - Gretna Green Elementary School - “Salade aux Fruits”
Photography: Mr. Comeau - Gretna Green Elementary School - “Be a Friend, Make a Friend” Mrs. Arbeau – Gretna Green Elementary School
Teacher Page: Mr. Comeau – Gretna Green Elementary School Ms. Matheson – Gretna Green Elementary School
Digital Video: Gretna Green Elementary School - “Grade 1 Number Cheer”
Digital Audio: Non-Musical - Lexy Peterson, Hilary Doran (Students of Mr. Comeau)-Gretna Green School – “Bullying Podcast”
Digital Audio: Musical - Mr. Troy Cabel and Mr. Johnathan MacIntosh – “Gretna Green Song Contest”
Innovative Use of Technology: Ms. Morehouse – Gretna Green Elementary School – “Where in the World Am I? Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Moody – Gretna Green Elementary School – “Math Problem of the Week”
How CUTE is Gretna Green? Well, we are going to soon find out. Gretna Green received some great news today. We received our highest number of nominations ever for the annual District 16 CUTE Awards to be held this Wednesday, February 16th. Congratulations to all our students and teachers who have been nominated for this year's award ceremony. You all play such a great role in making our school a fun place to learn! Listed below are our proud finalists: