Posted: March 22, 2013
Our grade 3-5 students had a great afternoon displaying their science projects for parents and fellow GG students. Following is a list of students and their project names who will be representing Gretna Green at the District STEM Fair on Tuesday, March 26. The District STEM Fair is being held in the Gretna Green gymnasium and the public is invited to attend between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm
3G - Caroline Wilson "Biggest Loser"
3S - Shariq Ahmed & Shahd Adoubali "How to Make Raisins Float"
4B - Alyssa Schewaga & Lauren Harding "See Plants Drinking"
4D - Gillian Kennedy & Drew MacTavish "Comment faire réagir du liquide à vaiselle et de la graisse?"
5G - Bilal Khan "To Yawn or Not to Yawn"
5S - Molly Hutchison "Est-ce que la chaleur affecte la couleur?"