
Posted: February 6, 2015

Posted: February 4, 2015

The New Brunswick Anglophone school system has three education program options to support students learning the French language. Information sessions will provide an overview of these programs to help parents make a choice with their child entering Grade 3 or Grade 6. An information session for Miramichi students and parents will be held on February 17th at Dr. Losier School Middle School at 6:30 pm. 

Posted: January 28, 2015

Today's drama auditions will be rescheduled to tomorrow, Thursday, January 29, from 2:30 to 3:30.

Posted: January 24, 2015

Artist, Mme Pacaud, enriched the lives of students in grades 3-5 this week. Students were introduced to the world of plasticine and created many cool products throughout the week-long workshop.  Funding was provided by Mme Dickson's succesful grant proposal to this year's Artist in Residence program.  Thank you Mme for creating this awesome artistic experience for our students!

Posted: January 21, 2015

 Both girls' and boys' school basketball teams have kicked off another season of exciting action once again this year.  Coaches Mr Ryan, Mme Gallant, Mrs Gardiner and Ms Matheson have recently lead both teams to victory in district basketball play.  We would like to thank our coaches and dedicated players for creating yet another memorable season!

Posted: January 13, 2015

We are looking to increase our inventory for our school breakfast program.  Cheez Whiz and apple juice are needed.  We are asking for parents to please donate both cheez whiz and apple juice to help support our program.  Simply drop off your donated items to the office.  Thank you all for your continued support!

Posted: January 9, 2015

 This wonderful wall piece was created by Drayden Sweeney with a little help from Peyton Sommers (both of 3G) during indoor recess this week.  Since it wasn't finished at school, and Drayden really wanted it done, he brought it home and got his Gram to help him.  It represents himself, all his classmates and the three adult educators in his class.  We were all touched by this thoughtful piece and feel it is well worth sharing with others in our Gretna Green Community. 

Posted: January 1, 2015

Happy New Year to our entire learning community.  A reminder to all students that their first day back will be Tuesday, January 6th.  We are all looking forward to your return and making things happen at GG once again in 2015!

Posted: December 20, 2014

The provincial government have confirmed their continued support for our upcoming renovation and expansion.  Gretna Green was listed in an itemized list of upcoming infrastructure projects in the coming year.  Click the link for further details, 

Posted: December 19, 2014

 We would like to extend our sincerest holiday wishes to each and everyone of you.  May you find the time to share laughs and fun with family and friends during this holiday season!  Check out this great video created by our friends in Mrs. Simmons' class, just in time for the holidays! 


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