
Posted: February 11, 2010

The grade five students have started a recycling program at school with the help of Hebert's Bottle Exchange, located on Wellington St., Chatham.  We have set up an account for the school at this location.  The grade five students would like to encourage you to drop off your recylables at Hebert's Recycling as a donation for our year end field trip to Moncton.  Thank You!

Posted: February 9, 2010

Mr. Comeau is one the Finalists for the Innovative Use of Technology Award which will be presented at the upcoming District 16 CUTE Technology Award show, which are scheduled to take place February 17th.  He needs your here to help him win this award he is so deserving of!!

Posted: February 9, 2010

The boys and girls of Gretna Green had a wonderful day with "sticky snow"at noon hour today.  It was snowmen galore out there today as the students took advantage of the sticky snow and produced a wonderful display of snowmen!  Check out our latest image gallery for a sneak peak at their latest products of snow!

Posted: February 8, 2010

Here is a photo of one of the many highlights of the GG Times Crew during the weekend pond hockey tournament at French Fort Cove.  In this photo, our very own premier,Shawn Graham, along with MLAs John Foran and Bill Fraser take the time for a photo and chat with some members of our crew.  Nice souvenir for the crew!

Posted: February 6, 2010

The GG Times Crew spent a wonderful afternoon today at our sixth annual Miramichi Pond Hockey Tournament.  Abigail, A.J., Alex and Patrick did a super job with an array of interviews throughout the afternoon.  A highlight of the afternoon was getting to meet our premier of New Brunswick, Shawn Graham.  Well done crew!  Take a sneak peak at some of our videos

Posted: February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5 was TWINS DAY at Gretna Green Elementary and Sergeant Merle Campbell and his twin brother, Chief of Police, Earl Campbell were guest hosts for the Live Morning Announcements!  Check out the image gallery for more pictures!

Posted: February 5, 2010

The GG Times crew are very excited about their upcoming news report production.  They have been invited by the District 16 Technology Team to report on this weekend's pond hockey tournament.  Their report will be uploaded to a running blog for the entire world to see!  Their digital creations can be viewed at the following site, throughout the tournament.  Good luck GG Times Crew and we look forward to viewing your end products!  Check out the new t shirts supplied by our Technology mentors, Rick Ha

Posted: February 3, 2010

Throughout the past two weeks the Gretna Green School Comunity has been raising funds and donating medical supplies to help the people of Haiti.  The funds raised were donated to 99.3 The River, which will be donated to the Red Cross.  The medical supplies donated will be given  to ORA International Canada. Thank you to all our school community for Filling Our Bucket for this very worthy cause.  We raised $700.00 and over two large boxes of medical supplies!!

Posted: February 2, 2010

The students of Gretna Green have been making the best of "things to do" during the winter months.  Skating has proven to be a big hit for all of our students and parents alike.  Check out our latest image gallery of our grade five students taking part in this wonderful activity.  We would also like to thank all of our parents who volunteer regularly to make our skating expeditions memorable!

Posted: January 29, 2010

To celebrate Family Literacy Day, staff, students, parents and friends attended at PJ Party hosted by the Gretna Green Home and School.  Volunteer readers read their favorite stories to small groups of students.  Volunteer readers consisted of parents, former students, supply teachers and our very own custodian, Mr Sandy MacKinnon. Afterwards, the Home and School treated everyone with milk and cookies.  As a very special treat, the Home and School also gave every student a brand new book to take home.  The party was well attended!


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