Posted: June 6, 2017
Welcome back to our first full week of June in 6, 7, 8 FI Glazier. Best of luck to students who continue to write provincial and district assessments this week.
Friday, June 9th, the grade 6 and 7s will be travelling to Camp Sheldrake for their year-end field trip. Permission slips have been sent home. If you haven’t already done so, pleasure ensure filed trip permission slips are signed and returned ASAP.
French - Grade 6 will continue will comprehension activities as a follow-up to their assessment. Writing assignment will be geared towards their year in grade 6. The grade 7 student’s focus will be a continuation of their pass tense write-up. Grade 8’s will be writing either about their experience in grade 8 at GG or expectations for gr 9 next year. Comprehension review of verbs covered throughout the year to continue.
Math - Provincial assessment to take place Monday. Following assessment, we will continue with our final geometry unit. Please let me know as well if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!