Posted: March 19, 2018
The following winners were chosen at the recent Elementary STEM Fair:
3 Lockerbie - Marble Momentum (Caden Sullivan and Brady MacPherson); Think Fast (Matty Lirette)
3/4 Simmons - How to Make a Lightbulb (Elias Adoubali and Jarrod Wilson)
4 Savoy - Quelle solutions gardent les fleurs fraiches le plus longtemps?" (Keira Fraser)
4 Glazier - BBs v. Pellets (Dylan Peterson); Solar Power (Jack Mushet); Honourable Mention Makeup Wipes (Emma Matchett, Keira Waye, Annie Stewart)
5 Gallant - The Bottle Jet Car (Ben Steeves and Connor Lemay)
5 Malson - Baking Cakes... With Missing Ingredients (TJ Martin)
Congratulations to our winners, and to all our students who worked hard to complete their STEM Fair projects.