Posted: November 15, 2018
We are off to a great start in Kindergarten. Everyone has settled into the rules and routines of school. We continue to work on being Whole Body Listeners and Bucket Fillers. We have also learned about using our WITS to solve conflicts and problems.
We are learning the alphabet using Zoophonics signals and are now at letter Jj. At home, have your child look for the letters Aa to Jj in their environment, practice printing the letters and find objects that begin with the letters. Another activity to do at home is to have your child work on printing their name using an uppercase letter at the beginning and lowercase for the rest. We have also been working on rhyming. Ask your child if two words rhyme (ex. dog and log or cat and fish) and have them come up with rhyming words on their own. In Writing, we are learning how to tell a story by drawing detailed pictures. Encourage your child to try and stretch out words. Keep working on sight words!
In Math, we finished our unit on patterns. Patterns are fun to find in the environment. Encourage your child to look for some and to create their own. We are now working on the numbers 0-5. We are learning to recognize the numbers at a glance, recognize different arrangements, count forward and back and make sets.