Posted: February 12, 2019
Dear parents,
These next few weeks in French, we will be talking about animals. We will be discussing and describing pets that we have at home or pets that we would like to have. We will also describe our pets’ temperament. Your child is more than welcome to bring in a picture of their pet or a favorite animal that s/he likes. If you wish, you can send me an e-mail with a pic attached ( They can share their picture with the class. Examples of oral structures that will be introduced include: J’ai un lapin. Il s’appelle ___. Il a X ans. Je n’ai pas…Je veux avoir un ___ Mon animal préféré est…Il s’appelle ___. Il est gros. Il a X ans. Son corps est recouvert de ___ (poil, écaille, plumes). Mon ___ a de petites oreilles et les yeux ___. Ses yeux sont ___, ses oreilles sont ___. Mon animal est ___...(gentil, calme, excite, fidèle, heureux) We will make a class book about our animals to end the unit. I feel that the students really enjoy this part of the curriculum. We will have a busy, but fun few weeks.