Week of Nov 1-5. 2021

Posted: November 1, 2021


Social Emotional Journal Project 

Journaling is a terrific way to express emotions in a safe way and allows you to express your feelings in a safe space.  This social emotional journal can be an ongoing project for you, allowing you to reflect and make journal entries. Journaling is something you can do anywhere. Everyone may have their own ideas about how it works for them. Some people like to use a special book, while others may be comfortable writing on looseleaf. I will post to help you with some ideas to write about. Remember this journal is for your eyes only, and there are no rules to follow.  I'm excited to get started! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns I can help with: kara.wilson@nbed.nb.ca

Journal Prompt #1: Write about some of the feelings you have about distance learning. What are some of the things you enjoy about learning from home? What are some of the challenges you have experienced in the past or may anticipate? What are some some things you can do to manage some of these thoughts and feelings? Who can you turn to for help to work through these thoughts and feelings? You may want to include a brief summary or recount of your day!