Posted: October 17, 2022
Welcome back! I look forward to hearing about students’ adventures over the weekend. Please return all fundraiser tickets (sold/unsold) to school this Friday, October 21st.
French - We will be practicing and rehearsing the sound "Éé" this week. We also continue with Halloween related activities. Weekly words of the week have been coming along nicely in class as well. Friday’s, we have an impromptu “quiz” and students have been doing well.
Math - We continue to learn about numeracy i.e., place value, representing numbers pictorially, visually and within a table. Additionally, we have been practicing our skip counting along with increasing and decrease numbers.
The following are a few reminds for the week:
** Please continue to send a dated note if your child is to be picked up after school and/or attend an activity. **
- Tuesday library
- Wednesday is Take Me Outside Day ( Due to the impending weather, we will be outside for most of the day on Friday. Please dress appropriately.
- Friday - We celebrate student success
Let's have a fantastic week :)