Posted: February 8, 2015
We have another super week ahead of us!! It is a 4 day week for students. There is no school on Friday, as teachers have meetings. *Valentine's week - I will be sending home a class list on Monday for anyone that wants to give Valentine's to their classmates. We will have a Valentine's celebration on Thursday afternoon.*Drama starts this week. A new schedule is posted on on-line and will be sent home.*Basketball continues for boys and girls this week.* soon as the outdoor rink is ready, we will be going skating. Language Arts - This week we will review "tion, sion,cian". and we will be working on vowel blends.Math - We are going to start our new unit on Multiplying and Dividing with Large Numbers.Science - This week we are to start our unit on "Light and Sound"Let's have another Superstar week!