Posted: November 16, 2014
Our letters of the week are Qq (Queeny Quail) and Rr (Robbie Rabbit). Q says /kw/. Q and U stick together like glue and can be found in the words queen, quick, quilt and quiet. Rr is in rabbit, rock, race and rice. Make a list of words at home that have q or r in them. In writing, we are working on using our word wall to help spell sight words and on stretching our words for sounds. Try saying the word you want to write slowly and write down the sounds you hear. We have been working on rhyming. Words that rhyme end the same. Bat and Cat rhyme. So do dog and fog. What rhyming words can you find? In Math, we are practicing making sets of objects up to 5 and are working on printing our numbers. Report cards go home on Monday. Parents, please sign and return the envelope. Parent Teacher appointment times will be attached to the report card. There is no school on Friday due to parent teacher meetings. Library is Thursday. There is no show and tell this week. The Scholastic Book Fair is at Gretna Green this week. We will be going as a class on Monday and Tuesday. Parents, if you are sending money with your child, please put it in a baggie and label it book fair. Thanks!