Posted: September 9, 2012
We are off to a great start in Kindergarten!! We have been having a lot of fun getting to know each other and making new friends. The boys and girls in KM are awesome!!! This is going to be a great year!
We will be busy this week learning rules and routines for school just like David in the book "David Goes to School". Ask your child to tell you something that they can do at school. In KM we have decided that we will: 1. Be Kind 2. Raise Our Hands 3. Walk Quietly 4. Use Indoor Voices and 5. Have fun!
This week, we will be working on our names. I have a lot of fun activities for us to try. On Friday, each child will be asked to bring in 5 things that tell us a little about themselves. I'm excited to see what everyone puts in their All About Me bag!
Meet the Teacher will take place on Thursday at 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there!