Posted: May 22, 2011
I hope you enjoyed your extended weekend during the Victoria Day holiday. There will be no assigned homework this week due to the Math assessment beginning on May 26th and ending on June 2nd. I would ask that you all get plenty of rest this week and not to forget to eat a healthy breakfast. Much of our in class instruction will focus on the different Math strategies taught this year in preparation for our Math assessment. On Tuesday we will have some special guests visiting us. The student star troopers will be delivering a one hour presentation in the gym at 12:25 pm. This will give us a sneek peak at what we can expect on our Starry Starry Night session on Friday. Thanks again to all of you who returned your b-b-q slips for Friday. We will select three class represenatives this week to present their favorite pet writing assignment to our partners at St. Andrews Elementary. A skype sessioin will be held on Thursday.