Posted: April 4, 2021
Growers Group met in January 2021 to learn all about the two types of hydroponics we have at Gretna Green. This morning the clusters met to plant their seeds in the systems. Each cluster had two systems; a dripper and a bubbler. Each cluster of growers were accompanied by two senior growers (middle schoolers) with prior hydroponic experience. It was a hit!
Our plants grew very quickly and soon the corner in the cafeteria where they are housed started looking like a jungle! Eventually the lettuce had to be trimmed back and harvested a little, so a small sale was held for GG staff members. Stay tuned as we will have another soon for the public!
In between both milestones, we had our first episode of the GG Growers Series filmed. This was entirely student lead and edited. They did a fantastic job and are starting to work on their next episode soon. Expect some awesome updates from our crew soon!