Posted: May 14, 2021
Grower Series Episode #2
Here's an update of what's been "growing" on with the Gretna Green Growers. They've been very busy taking care of and harvesting their hydroponic plants.
Posted: May 14, 2021
Here's an update of what's been "growing" on with the Gretna Green Growers. They've been very busy taking care of and harvesting their hydroponic plants.
Posted: April 6, 2021
Here is an update on how our Farm to School Grant Project is doing. Before Christmas, we did a small pilot project with just the grade 5 French Immersion class. In January, the Growers Group formed and started planting the 9 Sucseed hydroponic systems. Our lettuce and tomatoes are doing very well and growing like crazy. Our peppers, however, never germinated because it was so cold where the systems were stored. We just transitioned them into growing tomatoes by seperating the ones that were taking over the other two systems. So far, everything is doing better than expected!
Posted: April 4, 2021
Growers Group met in January 2021 to learn all about the two types of hydroponics we have at Gretna Green. This morning the clusters met to plant their seeds in the systems. Each cluster had two systems; a dripper and a bubbler. Each cluster of growers were accompanied by two senior growers (...
Posted: April 4, 2021
Grade 5 Levesque-Martin tested out the hydroponics in anticipation of our big grant order arriving via snail mail. This also gave us an idea of how many side salads we could produce using a system not at full capacity (not all nets were filled). The end results were deliciously nutritious!