Grade 6 FI Sciences Humaines-project due next Wednesday-November 7th 2018

Posted: October 31, 2018

Due Date: 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Hello parents and students,

This is a note to let parents know that students have entered the final part of their sciences humaines project.  This was the project where students had to interview their parents or grand-parents.  Students have had 3 full periods this week to work the final part, but will require more time.  I will give them time in class next Monday and Tuesday, however, many have said they would like time at home which I have agreed to, because they do not want homework over the long weekend next weekend which I completely understand.

For the last part of the project, students have to compare their answers to the answers of the people they interviewed.  They have to compare the similarities and differences of the answers.  In other words what has stayed the same or what has changed over time.  They then have to put why they think that change or similarity exists.  For example, grand ma likes soup, I like bacon.  This has changed because maybe there was a difference in the cost of food and grand-ma's family did not have as much money so they would have eaten soup more often.

I am writing in French the example I explained in english above.  It is the same one I had written on the board and explained to the class:

Ma réponse était le bacon.  La réponse de grand-maman était la soupe.  Ça veut dire que la nourriture préféré des enfants à changer à travers le temps parce que peut-etre les prix de la soupe étaient moins cher et la famille de grand-maman pouvaient seulement avoir la soupe parce qu'ils étaient plus pauvre que ma famille aujourd'hui.

This is due next Wednesday morning at the beginning of the day-November 7th 2018.