Mme. Arsenault

Hello! Please check my teacher page daily for updates regarding homework, assignments and the goings on of our classes.

Hello Parents and Guardians!

I wanted to let you know that students will be having a test in Sciences Humaines on Tuesday February 20th. If there is a storm day that day, the test will the next day. I am attaching the notes and study guide that all of the students all ready have printed and we have been working through together through in class activities and good study strategies in the last few weeks. One of those study strategies in learning how to make study cards, which they have been doing and they are finding very helpful.

I like to give a few tests like this before they get to high school, to help them learn good study habits and strategies that they will need then. I am asking for your help by making sure your child is consistently studying at home. I would like to reinforce that studying at school is important, but equally as important at home. 

Thanks so much for your help and if you have any questions, please reach out


Mme A:)

Due Date: 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hello all!

I am going to be sending out an almost daily update to parents sometimes, simply to keep everyone aware of how home learning is going and to give you updates as they happen that day regarding assignments for FILA class. From today onward, daily meetings will still be held at the same time, grade 7 FILA-9:30 and 8 FILA-10:30. However, instead of a half an hour, they will be closer to 45 minutes as Mme McQuaid-Murphy and I will be teaming up to give the kids one meeting instead of two seperate longer meetings. We discussed this with students today and they said they preferred to have us combine for one meeting instead of two seperate ones. This saves time and effort and makes a more fluid class for the kids. So, to sum up, Mme McQuiad-Murphy will be jumping on everyday at the beginning of class to answer questions or explain a concept the kids may not have understood. Afterwards, I will be doing my daily class, where the main lesson will still be recorded and availble for viewing or consultation later.

Also, if your child is one who has been contacted by our French monitrice, Mme Burke, to do some French activities, these are taking place directly after our respective classes, and it would be great if students could log on to these sessions as these are great for extra help and maintenance of their language. 

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to me by email:


Mme Arsenault:)


Hi everyone!

Today, we are off to a great start!  For those students who were unable to attend or gain access to our virtual meeting today, I recorded the essential explanation part of the lesson and this automatically appears on the Team after I finish recording. To access this, please go to the FILA Teams, under Files and then the Recordings folder. They will be saved by date and will be available going forward for review or access. 

I have had a few parents asking what format I am using for assignments and what that looks like for our FILA classes.  Essentially these will be divided into two sections-weekly assignments and daily assignments. The weekly assignments will be scheduled to upload by Monday morning and will be due by Friday night at 11:59pm. This was done in order to give as much time as feasibly possible to everyone and to accomodate schedules.  Daily assignments are shorter, but are due by 11:59pm of the day they are assigned, this time frame being done to also give as much time as possible to those who can only access technology or wifi at certain times of the day. 

I have or will have finished explaining all of this to students virtually and in my videos by the end of class tomorrow, but I wanted to give parents a heads up here as my videos are in French for the kids. 

Thanks everyone and please remember that if you have any questions to please reach out by


Mme Arsenault


This message has also been sent out to all parents and guardians via email.  I am posting here in case some missed it in their email.

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone was able to enjoy a restful Holiday break. I am reaching out regarding expectations for distance learning in regards to grade 7 & 8 French Immersion Language Arts.  All work will be completed through Teams. I will be having a virtual class daily for each grade level. For Grade 7, this will be starting at 9:30 and ending between 10 and 10:15.  For Grade 8, this will be starting at 10:30 and ending between 11 and 11:15. A recording of the lesson will be taken and uploaded for students to have access to should they need it. There will be independent work to be completed daily attached to the lesson. Further, there will be work to be completed independently in the afternoons, and these expectations will be outlined to students during our first virtual meeting tomorrow.  Time for interventions will be scheduled as well and this will be communicated with students tomorrow, when these separate meetings will take place, usually in the afternoon though.  Attendance will be taken daily.

These are stressful times for everyone, and because of this, I encourage anyone who has any questions to reach out to me via email at  Please keep an eye on my teacher page via the Gretna Green School website, as often I will post messages here regarding when work is due and other messages so that parents can be kept in the loop without having to access their child's teams directly. 

Thank you and sincerely,

Mme Arsenault

7 & 8 FILA

The GG Powerplay Christmas Market has been post-poned until next Tuesday and Wednesday. For today, students are to finish up their projects to the best of their abilities if they have not already done so. If they are finished their projects, I would like you to sit down in a corner somewhere and practice some mental health practices. This can include anything from reading a good book, listening to music, journaling or meditating. Times are stressful right now with everything going on in the world, and practicing good mental health strategies is very important.

Happy Monday and Stay Safe!

Mme A

Due Date: 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Posted: November 29, 2021

Hello everyone,

7 & 8 FILA

Today for 7 & 8 FILA, I want students to pick a topic as we had discussed last week in class about a non-fictional event or subject. It should be something they are interested in and that they are wanting to learn more about. I had originally told them that they would have to pick something they already knew a lot about, but I have switched gears and want the kids to pick something that interests them. The only rule of thumb for picking a topic and researching it is that it cannot be about a specific person, as this would be a biography. This is why it must be about a specific event or subject. ALL FACTS SHOULD EITHER BE WRITTTEN OUT OR PRINTED:)


Continue on with duolingo today. If you did not complete the work from Friday, there is an explanation just below this one about how to access duolingo and to make an account by following the instructions on the website and choosing French.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe!

Mme A:)

Due Date: 

Monday, November 29, 2021


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Dec 7 2018


Added: Mon, Apr 6 2020


Important Note about Digital Access!