Mme. Arsenault

Hello! Please check my teacher page daily for updates regarding homework, assignments and the goings on of our classes.

Posted: September 10, 2018

Grade 7 FI began their independent novel studies in class today.  This is an in-class assignment and it aims to have students read French novels at their interest and reading level.  Afterwards, they will complete a report using High Order Thinking questions to analyse the novel they read. ...

As detailed in the note I sent home last week, infos-jeunes for homework will be starting this week.  Students will be given their passwords and usernames today.  The article they are expected to complete this week is "La C.-B. en flammes" by Friday morning at which point is when I normally check to see if it has been completed or not.  This homework piece should take no more than a half an hour depending on the individual.  

*Grade 6 students  will not be completing this assignment at home this week as they are not familair with how to use the system.  They will complete it in school this week to learn how to use it and then they will start doing it at home next week.  

Due Date: 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Posted: August 29, 2018

This is my classroom look for the new year!  A little sneak peak for students and a chance for parents to see where students spend their days.

Posted: August 29, 2018

Hello and welcome to the new school year at Gretna Green!  Please fill out any forms and read over any letters that were sent home today with your child.  Student fees are due as soon as possible please to homeroom teachers and are 25$.

Due Date: 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Posted: August 29, 2018

Online grammar checker

This website allows a person to copy a paragraph of text at a time and use it to check for grammar and spelling mistakes.  It will not correct it for you, it will only notify you that there is an issue and give examples of what the issue may be.  It is very useful for correcting and revising any text in French.

Posted: August 29, 2018


This website is the website for the weekly at home reading articles and questions that students will be required to do at home, typically by Friday morning before school.  Upon occasion students may have the chance to complete this at school, however it is meant to be a homework assignment in order to continue to develop fluency and reading comprehension.  Dates may change depending on the class and workload.  What is required that week will always be posted on the homework section of the website.

Posted: August 29, 2018

This website is a great tool for at home use as it offers the most correct word to word translations based on meaning.  Google translate is never recommended as it only uses one word meanings.  For example, un livre in French in the masculin form is a book.  However, une livre in the feminin form changes the meaning completely as in this form it means a pound.  This is something to be wary of if your child is working on an at home writing assignment.


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Dec 7 2018


Added: Mon, Apr 6 2020