Posted: April 6, 2020
Please open the following attachment from Mrs.Tozer for this week's activities for physical education for grades 6-8.
Mme Arsenault
Posted: April 6, 2020
Please open the following attachment from Mrs.Tozer for this week's activities for physical education for grades 6-8.
Mme Arsenault
Posted: April 6, 2020
1. Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices:
Remember to only choose one from each category.
Oral/Listening Activities (10-20 minutes)
1. Go on youtube and find 3 French songs. Listen to each one fully and write down their names and links. Did you like them? What were they about?
2. Make your own song in French! Sing it and video it!
3. If you do not have access to the internet or do not want to do any of the first two options, pick one of the options from yesterday to doJ. For instance, this would mean playing five second rule again for no internet and no tech users. It was as follows: If you do not have a relative who speaks French, then you can still play option 2 of 5 second rule! Prepare cards the same way, only when you (the student) responds, you will have to respond in French. This is actually a little harder, so give yourself 10 seconds! But the person playing in English only has 5 seconds!
Reading Activities (30 minutes)
1. If you did not finish it yesterday, then go and finish the infos-jeunes article from yesterday.
2. Continue reading the French book of your own that you picked from the other day. It can be the eBook you got online at the library as well. 30 minutes is the length of time you should be reading it.
3. If you would rather read, several quick and short little articles, then follow the link to check out these awesome selections:
Read 5 of them to make up for the same amount of time reading as the other options
Writing Activities (10 minutes)
1. Now that you have a list of several things that you have done in the last few weeks, choose another one and start writing a few paragraphs in French about that event.
2. If you already did this in the previous days writing activities, then continue responding the following prompt: Qu’est-ce que vous pensez est la chose la plus importante de te souvenir de de ce temps? Explique.
If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!
Friday-Good Friday-NO ACTIVITIESJ
Posted: April 6, 2020
1. Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices:
Remember to only choose one from each category.
Oral/Listening Activities (10-20 minutes)
1. Go on youtube and find 3 French songs. Listen to each one fully and write down their names and links. Did you like them? What were they about?
2. Make your own song in French! Sing it and video it!
3. If you do not have access to the internet or do not want to do any of the first two options, pick one of the options from yesterday to doJ. For instance, this would mean playing five second rule again for no internet and no tech users. It was as follows: If you do not have a relative who speaks French, then you can still play option 2 of 5 second rule! Prepare cards the same way, only when you (the student) responds, you will have to respond in French. This is actually a little harder, so give yourself 10 seconds! But the person playing in English only has 5 seconds!
Reading Activities (30 minutes)
1. If you did not finish it yesterday, then go and finish the infos-jeunes article from yesterday.
2. Continue reading the French book of your own that you picked from the other day. It can be the eBook you got online at the library as well. 30 minutes is the length of time you should be reading it.
3. If you would rather read, several quick and short little articles, then follow the link to check out these awesome selections:
Read 5 of them to make up for the same amount of time reading as the other options
Writing Activities (10 minutes)
1. Now that you have a list of several things that you have done in the last few weeks, choose another one and start writing a few paragraphs in French about that event.
2. If you already did this in the previous days writing activities, then continue responding the following prompt: Qu’est-ce que vous pensez est la chose la plus importante de te souvenir de de ce temps? Explique.
If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!
Friday-Good Friday-NO ACTIVITIESJ
Posted: April 6, 2020
1. Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices. Please click the following link to find the video:
Remember to only choose one from each category.
Oral/Listening Activities (10-20 minutes)
1. Click each of the following links and choose one of the vlogues by Thomas! When you are done listening to it, write a quick summary of what you remember it being about. Remember that a great strategy for this is to re-watch it more than once if you need to.
2. If you have a family member in your household, a parent or sibling or another relative who speaks French, then play five second rule! You will need a timer, paper and a something to write with. First, each person will write a category of items that could be listed. For example, “Nommez trois types de fruits” (Name 3 types of fruit) and so on. Once all of the papers have been created, then get playing! If the person gets it wrong then no points, if they get it right, then they get the points! First one to who has the most points after twenty minutes, wins!
3. If you do not have a relative who speaks French, then you can still play option 2 of 5 second rule! Prepare cards the same way, only when you (the student) responds, you will have to respond in French. This is actually a little harder, so give yourself 10 seconds! But the person playing in English only has 5 seconds!
Reading Activities (30 minutes)
1. By now hopefully you have received your login information for infos-jeunes. Go to the following link and complete the reading of the article and only the ten multiple choice questions.
The title of the article you should be reading is savonnez-vous! TAKE YOUR TIME!:)
2. Email me at and I will send pictures of the readings and the questions that can then be sent to an I-pod or tablet, even if it does not have internet access.
Writing Activities (10 minutes)
If the reading activity took longer than 30 minutes to complete, then skip the writing activities for today! If not…
1. Now that you have a list of several things that you have done in the last few weeks, choose one and start writing a few paragraphs in French about that event.
2. If you already did this in the previous days writing activities, then respond the following prompt: Qu’est-ce que vous pensez est la chose la plus importante de te souvenir de de ce temps? Explique.
If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!
Posted: April 6, 2020
Remember to only choose one from each category. Click on the following link to see a video explaining today's activities:
Oral/Listening Activities (10-20 minutes)
1. Click each of the following links and follow the instructions to draw the drawing being shown by the artist. These are the same one as yesterday, except today, do it blind-folded and see if you re-create the same drawing!
2. If you have a family member in your household, a parent or sibling or another relative who speaks French, play a great game of Headbandz! You will need some cut-up pieces of paper and a pencil, pen or marker. Write down 10 words each in French on a different piece of paper each time and then switch piles, face-down. Then pick-up a piece of paper and hold it to your head. The other person then has to get you to say the word without saying the actual word!
3. If you do not have a relative who speaks French, then this is the perfect time for them to start! Teach them some basic phrases and sentences that you would need to know in order to introduce yourself to someone new! Once you have practiced, video it to see how they did!
Reading Activities (30 minutes)
1. Get the French story you read yesterday, (either one of your books, an e-book from the library or an online article) and re-read part of it, but this time, pay attention to new vocabulary words you may have overlooked or did not understand at the time. Try to find ten. After, use a French dictionary or word reference to look up what each one means. The following are two links that will take you to word reference and a French dictionary.
After you have looked up each word, re-read that section again. Do you understand it better now? Explain.
2. If you do not have French books at home or access to the internet, then make up your own story! You can always detail it or draw it for a target audience of children! Start the draft of this!
Writing Activities (10 minutes)
1. Finish listing (in French) all of the things you have been doing in the last several weeks that you could write or vlog about in a journal type format for the next few days activities.
2. Keep going! Write as much as you can in the ten minutes you have left about an activity or something that happened to you in the last few weeks that you want to remember from this time. It can be anything you want it to be, but it has to be in French!
If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!
Posted: April 6, 2020
1. 1. Begin by watching the Introduction video explaining how everything will work.
2.Next, watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices. Follow the link to the youtube video:
3. 3. Please send an email to so that you can receive your child’s info-jeunes login information, just in case they have forgotten.
Remember to only choose one from each category.
Oral/Listening Activities (10 minutes)
1. Click each of the following links and follow the instructions to draw the drawing being shown by the artist.
2. Call a friend or relative who speaks French and have a 10 minute conversation with them, just to check-in and catch up!
Reading Activities (30 minutes)
1. If you have French books at home, then pick an old favourite and re-read it for 30 minutes. It can be fun to re-visit a favourite story!
2. If you do not have a French Book at home, then you can visit the NB Public Library site to reserve e-books for up to two weeks! You will need to have a library card, but if you do not, then no worries! There are steps on how to sign up for an account and card directly on the website. Follow the link to get started:
3. If you would rather read, several quick and short little articles, then follow the link to check out these awesome selections:
Read 5 of them to make up for the same amount of time reading as the other optionsJ
Writing Activities (20 minutes)
1. Begin listing (in French) all of the things you have been doing in the last several weeks that you could write or vlog about in a journal type format for the next few days activities.
2. Already got an idea? Then get started! Write as much as you can in 20 minutes about an activity or something that happened to you in the last few weeks that you want to remember from this time. It can be anything you want it to be, but it has to be in French!
If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!
Posted: April 6, 2020
Note to Parents and Guardians
Please remember that these activities are designed to help minimize stress and to provide some structure at home for your children. If at any time it is too much or you do not understand something, then please, do not hesitate to contact me at and I will do my best to clarify. If you are working from home, and your child is working independently, then they are more than able to contact me themselves through email using their school email if they want. If they do not remember it, then please see the other post from the District outlining how to gain access to this. Finally, if it is easier for your family, you do not need to follow each day religiously. Choose a schedule that works for you and manipulate it however you want or need to. Remember that the most important thing during this time, is the health and safety of your children and family.
Wishing you well and safety in the coming week,
Mme Arsenault
Please Click on the Following Link to Get Started Watching the Introduction Video:) It will take you to a youtube video of yours truly explaining how things will look in general week to week.
Posted: April 6, 2020
Hello! Please watch this video for an introduction to today and how each week will look :) next click on today's activities to get started:)
Mme A
Posted: February 12, 2020
The test for Grade 6 Sciences Humaines has been moved to the following week of February and will be on February 26th 2020 instead of the 21st. This is being done to give students a little breathing room as they complete their Stem fair projects.
All documents are attached in a previous post.
Thank you,
Mme A
Posted: February 12, 2020
We are currently in the final phase of our STEM Fair projects and we are writing conclusions in Sciences and French class. Many students who are done their experiements and innovations are taking full advantage of this time to get their conclusions written. Those who have not gotten their experiments done will have more writing to do this weekend as they finish up their projects. All projects must be typed and corrected to the best of their abilities. I am attaching a few documents and pictures that I have given paper copies to students in class that they should have, but in case I will put them here. They are in French, but if you copy it into a translator it should give you a good idea of what is expected if you want to help your child. The documents include-how to write a conclusion, step by step, how to do a bibliography or references list, step by step, a picture of a finished board as an example and an example of a conclusion for students. Students should also have a graph that displays their results and this graph should be talked about in their conclusion. If a student did not use numbers as a measurement and used pictures or videos for observation, then those pcitures should be included.
Many students have said that they do not have printers at home, and this is fine, they are more than welcome to print here. If they do not have their board done by next Tuesday, then this is fine, because they can put it all together next week. However, the experiments and all of the writing must be done. All students have access to an online account with office 365 where they have word. They can also send me a link for sharing and I can look over their work over the weekend. They are encouraged to do this and I will look it over over the weekend as long as it is not at the last minute ie Monday evening.
Thank you again for your continued support in this process. In this way students are learning by doing!
All assignments not completed by next Tuesday will be considered late excluding boards that are not glued on or assignments not printed out.
My email for sharing through Office 365 is
Mme A