Posted: February 12, 2020
Due Date:
We are currently in the final phase of our STEM Fair projects and we are writing conclusions in Sciences and French class. Many students who are done their experiements and innovations are taking full advantage of this time to get their conclusions written. Those who have not gotten their experiments done will have more writing to do this weekend as they finish up their projects. All projects must be typed and corrected to the best of their abilities. I am attaching a few documents and pictures that I have given paper copies to students in class that they should have, but in case I will put them here. They are in French, but if you copy it into a translator it should give you a good idea of what is expected if you want to help your child. The documents include-how to write a conclusion, step by step, how to do a bibliography or references list, step by step, a picture of a finished board as an example and an example of a conclusion for students. Students should also have a graph that displays their results and this graph should be talked about in their conclusion. If a student did not use numbers as a measurement and used pictures or videos for observation, then those pcitures should be included.
Many students have said that they do not have printers at home, and this is fine, they are more than welcome to print here. If they do not have their board done by next Tuesday, then this is fine, because they can put it all together next week. However, the experiments and all of the writing must be done. All students have access to an online account with office 365 where they have word. They can also send me a link for sharing and I can look over their work over the weekend. They are encouraged to do this and I will look it over over the weekend as long as it is not at the last minute ie Monday evening.
Thank you again for your continued support in this process. In this way students are learning by doing!
All assignments not completed by next Tuesday will be considered late excluding boards that are not glued on or assignments not printed out.
My email for sharing through Office 365 is
Mme A