Wednesday April 8th 2020-Grade 6-8 FILA Home Learning Activities

Posted: April 6, 2020



1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Please click the following link to find the video:


Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities (10-20 minutes)

1.     Click each of the following links and choose one of the vlogues by Thomas! When you are done listening to it, write a quick summary of what you remember it being about.  Remember that a great strategy for this is to re-watch it more than once if you need to.



2.     If you have a family member in your household, a parent or sibling or another relative who speaks French, then play five second rule!  You will need a timer, paper and a something to write with.  First, each person will write a category of items that could be listed.  For example, “Nommez trois types de fruits” (Name 3 types of fruit) and so on. Once all of the papers have been created, then get playing!  If the person gets it wrong then no points, if they get it right, then they get the points!  First one to who has the most points after twenty minutes, wins!


3.      If you do not have a relative who speaks French, then you can still play option 2 of 5 second rule!  Prepare cards the same way, only when you (the student) responds, you will have to respond in French.  This is actually a little harder, so give yourself 10 seconds!  But the person playing in English only has 5 seconds!

Reading Activities (30 minutes)

1.     By now hopefully you have received your login information for infos-jeunes.  Go to the following link and complete the reading of the article and only the ten multiple choice questions.

The title of the article you should be reading is savonnez-vous! TAKE YOUR TIME!:)


2.     Email me at and I will send pictures of the readings and the questions that can then be sent to an I-pod or tablet, even if it does not have internet access.


Writing Activities (10 minutes)

If the reading activity took longer than 30 minutes to complete, then skip the writing activities for today!  If not…

1.     Now that you have a list of several things that you have done in the last few weeks, choose one and start writing a few paragraphs in French about that event.



2.     If you already did this in the previous days writing activities, then respond the following prompt: Qu’est-ce que vous pensez est la chose la plus importante de te souvenir de de ce temps? Explique.


If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!