Mme. Arsenault

Hello! Please check my teacher page daily for updates regarding homework, assignments and the goings on of our classes.

Posted: May 18, 2020


1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-

Oral/Listening Activities

No Oral Activities for Today.

Reading Activities (40 minutes)

1. Infos-jeunes-This week’s reading is La grande vedette de soccer locale.  Please answer the multiple choice questions only. 


2. Email me at and I will send pictures of the readings and the questions that can then be sent to an I-pod or tablet, even if it does not have internet access.


3. Go to the new reading website: and use the login information I sent you when you requested it in order to get it in.  If you are unsure of what level or colour you should be reading at, please contact me at and we will figure out together which level would suit you best.  Use the audio and read out loud to practice your pronunciation and fluency.

Writing Activity (20 minutes)

1.     Mixing up homophones are some of the most common errors that occur in French when speaking, reading and writing.  When they are misused it creates confusion and fossilized habits that are hard to break.  That is why this week we are going to focus on exercises relating to the different uses for “tout*”.  Go to the following links to practice the difference between these homophones.



Posted: May 18, 2020


Today is the day we are going to chat with our class again.  We will adhere to the same schedule as last week and it is as follows: Grade 6 FILA-10:30-11:30am, Grade 6/7 FILA-1-2pm and Grade 8 FILA-2:30-3:30pm.  Invites will be sent to student emails again. Sign in to your Office 365 account and go to the Calendar App.  Click on the time and date of the meeting and there should be a button that says join.  Once this button is clicked it should take you straight to our meeting.  Today we are going to do LG and have a discussion using our opinions and how to express them, as we have learned in previous weeks.


Posted: May 18, 2020


STIM Activities (60 minutes)

Today, you will be completing the STIAM or STEM activity in the handout attached to this post.  This is the current issue for this week and now we are caught up.  As always, I will be attaching the French and English copies of this for your parents’ information and clarity.  You can complete it with a sibling, parent or grand-parent.  Or if you want, call or video chat with a friend or classmate in order to complete it together!    Share your results or final product in a picture and send it to me at   

Posted: May 10, 2020


1.     Begin by watching the Introduction video for this week!  Follow the link-


2.     Next, watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-

If your child or you has not inquired for login information for infos-jeunes or the new reading website, Je lis, then please send an email to so that they can receive it.  Furthermore, this week students will continue reading at their level using the website.  They are encouraged to send me an email if they cannot find their level.

Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities

1.     None for today

Reading Activities (30 minutes)

Please download the document that corresponds to your grade level and then click on the link that corresponds to that reading.  I have prepared examples of two different types of persuasive texts and have filmed myself reading each and doing a read-aloud for both in order to explain vocabulary words and the differences between when an opinion is expressed and when information is used to back up an opinion.

Follow the links- 6 et 7e année-critique:

8e année-opinion et persuasive-

Writing Activities (30 minutes)

1.     We have been working on learning how to express an opinion and say why we think a certain way about a topic.  Now it is time to add the next element, which is using information or facts to back up our opinion in order to justify it.  Having done the reading activity for today, you will see that the texts chosen are based on them being a persuasive or opinion type of text. 

2.     I want you to pick a topic that you would like to do a final persuasive or opinion piece on.  It can be one of the topics you have chosen or can be on something new that you have not thought of.  Once you have picked this topic, do some research. Your research can be in English, but your final product has to be in French.  Make sure to keep track of your websites where you are getting your information. 

Posted: May 10, 2020


1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-


Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities (10 minutes)

1.     Go to the following link and listen to Mon précieux by Soprano.  Listen to the song and tell me “Who is mon précieux?” Follow the link:

Reading Activities (20 minutes)

Work through the following inferencing questions that use the same as last week except this time complete numbers 25-43.  Click on the first link, and it is going to take you to a free online pdf that is a stack of cards with inferencing questions and answer them on a piece of paper as you go.  When you are done, check your answers at the second link!



3.     These links were taken from


Writing Activities (30 minutes)

Ø  You should have chosen your topic by now.  Finish doing your research for today or begin organizing your thoughts into a graphic organizer (email me for an example of this:).  This will help with your final persuasive piece that we will look at for next week.

Posted: May 10, 2020


1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-

Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities

No Oral Activities for Today.

Reading Activities (40 minutes)

1. Infos-jeunes-This week’s reading is Le premier roman inuit.  Please answer the multiple choice questions only. 


2. Email me at and I will send pictures of the readings and the questions that can then be sent to an I-pod or tablet, even if it does not have internet access.


3. Go to the new reading website: and use the login information I sent you when you requested it in order to get it in.  If you are unsure of what level or colour you should be reading at, please contact me at and we will figure out together which level would suit you best.  Use the audio and read out loud to practice your pronunciation and fluency.

Writing Activity (20 minutes)

1.     Mixing up homonyms are some of the most common errors that occur in French when speaking, reading and writing.  When they are misused it creates confusion and fossilized habits that are hard to break.  That is why this week we are going to focus on exercises relating to “et” and “est”.  Remember that “et” in French is “and” and “est” in French is “is”.  Go to the following links to practice the difference between these homonyms.




If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!


Today is the day we are going to chat with our class again.  We will adhere to the same schedule as last week and it is as follows: Grade 6 FILA-10:30-11:30am, Grade 6/7 FILA-1-2pm and Grade 8 FILA-2:30-3:30pm.  This week as discussed last week, we will be moving away from using Microsoft Office Teams and switching to Skype for Business.  Invites will be sent to student emails again.  In order to access it on a phone or tablet, the Skype for Business app will need to be downloaded and installed.  To access the meeting when logging in from a tablet or phone, use the same login info needed to access the student email and everything should work.  From a laptop or desktop, sign in to your Office 365 account and go to the Calendar App.  Click on the time and date of the meeting and there should be a button that says join.  Once this button is clicked it should take you straight to our meeting.  Please have your camera turned on this week, as we will need it on in order to play LG as plannedJ

No explanation video today because we will see each other on the interwebs!:)

Posted: May 10, 2020


STIM Activities (60 minutes)

Today, you will be completing the STIAM or STEM activity in the handout attached to this post.  This is the current issue for this week and now we are caught up.  As always, I will be attaching the French and English copies of this for your parents’ information and clarity.  You can complete it with a sibling, parent or grand-parent.  Or if you want, call or video chat with a friend or classmate in order to complete it together!    Share your results or final product in a picture and send it to me at   

No video for today as by now I think most of you understand what to doJ  Happy May Long Weekend to you and yours!

Mme A

 Introduction video for this week!  Follow the link-

Please ensure that your child has access to their email account and Office 365.  If they do not then please see the attached document with information on how to contact the ASDN District IT Team.  They will be able to help get access to the account or reset a forgotten password.

The reason this is so important is because they will need this in order to be able to take part in the class virtual chat on Thursday May 8th 2020.  Schedule to follow from a message on school messanger. 


Mme Arsenault 

PDF icon student-passwordreset-document_asdn.pdf285.59 KB

Posted: May 1, 2020


Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-

If your child or you has not inquired for login information for infos-jeunes or the new reading website, Je lis, then please send an email to so that they can receive it.  Furthermore, this week students will continue reading at their level using the website.  They are encouraged to send me an email if they cannot find their level.

Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities (10 minutes)

1.     This week we are going to continue learning how to express an opinion, but we are going to build off of what we learned last week. Please re-watch the following video from youtube to refresh your memory about the proper vocabulary to use when expressing an opinion. Follow the link:  Now, we are going to add in the reason why you think this way.  It is important to have a good reason based on logic and common sense when you are expressing an opinion in order to back up why you think a certain way. Then try calling a classmate on the phone or a relative who speaks French and using these different ways of expressing an opinion in a conversation, but this time add in the reason why you think this way!



2.     If you do not have access to the internet, then you can choose from the following list to explore expressing your opinion…which ones have you not used before?  Try calling a classmate on the phone or a relative who speaks French and using these different ways of expressing an opinion in a conversation and this time add in your opinion.  À mon avis, Selon moi, Je dois/il doit, Il est important, Je suis convaincu(e), Je pense que, Personnellement, Il faut que, Il est essentiel, Je crois que…, Je suis d’avis, Il est nécessaire de, Quant à moi


Reading Activities (30 minutes)

1.     Continue reading your old favourite from last week.  Read for 30 minutes no matter which of the following options you choose.  If you have finished your first book, it may be time to pick a new one from any of the following options.




2.     Continue reading your e-book from last week: If you do not have a French Book at home, then you can visit the NB Public Library site to reserve e-books for up to two weeks!  You will need to have a library card, but if you do not, then no worries!  There are steps on how to sign up for an account and card directly on the website.  Follow the link to get started:


3.     If you would rather read, several quick and short little articles, then follow the link to check out these awesome selections:

Read 6 of them to make up for the same amount of time reading as the other optionsJ  Pick different ones from last week.  Go Back into the archives if you have to.


4.     Sign up for the following website by following the link.  It has free eBooks in French for all ages.  Click Devenir membre to become a member and follow the instructions.

Writing Activities (10 minutes)

1.     Last week, you wrote sentences regarding an opinion on several different subjects.  So for today’s writing activity, I want you to return to this list from last Thursday and this time add in your opinion to each.


If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Dec 7 2018


Added: Mon, Apr 6 2020