May 13th 2020-Home Learning

Posted: May 10, 2020


1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-

Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities

No Oral Activities for Today.

Reading Activities (40 minutes)

1. Infos-jeunes-This week’s reading is Le premier roman inuit.  Please answer the multiple choice questions only. 


2. Email me at and I will send pictures of the readings and the questions that can then be sent to an I-pod or tablet, even if it does not have internet access.


3. Go to the new reading website: and use the login information I sent you when you requested it in order to get it in.  If you are unsure of what level or colour you should be reading at, please contact me at and we will figure out together which level would suit you best.  Use the audio and read out loud to practice your pronunciation and fluency.

Writing Activity (20 minutes)

1.     Mixing up homonyms are some of the most common errors that occur in French when speaking, reading and writing.  When they are misused it creates confusion and fossilized habits that are hard to break.  That is why this week we are going to focus on exercises relating to “et” and “est”.  Remember that “et” in French is “and” and “est” in French is “is”.  Go to the following links to practice the difference between these homonyms.




If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!