Tuesday April 7th 2020-Grade 6-8 FILA Home Learning

Posted: April 6, 2020

Remember to only choose one from each category.  Click on the following link to see a video explaining today's activities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxH1kx86Swg

Oral/Listening Activities (10-20 minutes)

1.     Click each of the following links and follow the instructions to draw the drawing being shown by the artist.  These are the same one as yesterday, except today, do it blind-folded and see if you re-create the same drawing!

Ø  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLqF-G8rgOE&list=PLMkz1cjFgddaYeUDnkR5KLLuwFVuJqotA&index=4

Ø  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70ItCTB6SWk&list=PLMkz1cjFgddaYeUDnkR5KLLuwFVuJqotA&index=5

Ø  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6XaPldJcfA&list=PLMkz1cjFgddaYeUDnkR5KLLuwFVuJqotA&index=6


2.    If you have a family member in your household, a parent or sibling or another relative who speaks French, play a great game of Headbandz!  You will need some cut-up pieces of paper and a pencil, pen or marker.  Write down 10 words each in French on a different piece of paper each time and then switch piles, face-down.  Then pick-up a piece of paper and hold it to your head.  The other person then has to get you to say the word without saying the actual word!


3.   If you do not have a relative who speaks French, then this is the perfect time for them to start!  Teach them some basic phrases and sentences that you would need to know in order to introduce yourself to someone new!  Once you have practiced, video it to see how they did!


Reading Activities (30 minutes)

1.     Get the French story you read yesterday, (either one of your books, an e-book from the library or an online article) and re-read part of it, but this time, pay attention to new vocabulary words you may have overlooked or did not understand at the time.  Try to find ten.  After, use a French dictionary or word reference to look up what each one means.  The following are two links that will take you to word reference and a French dictionary.

Ø  https://www.wordreference.com/

Ø  https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/soit


After you have looked up each word, re-read that section again.  Do you understand it better now?  Explain.



2.     If you do not have French books at home or access to the internet, then make up your own story!  You can always detail it or draw it for a target audience of children!  Start the draft of this!

Writing Activities (10 minutes)

1.     Finish listing (in French) all of the things you have been doing in the last several weeks that you could write or vlog about in a journal type format for the next few days activities.


2.     Keep going!  Write as much as you can in the ten minutes you have left about an activity or something that happened to you in the last few weeks that you want to remember from this time.  It can be anything you want it to be, but it has to be in French! 


If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: nadia.arsenault@nbed.nb.ca and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!