Message for Parents for Grade 7 & 8 FILA-Distance Learning

Posted: January 10, 2022

This message has also been sent out to all parents and guardians via email.  I am posting here in case some missed it in their email.

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone was able to enjoy a restful Holiday break. I am reaching out regarding expectations for distance learning in regards to grade 7 & 8 French Immersion Language Arts.  All work will be completed through Teams. I will be having a virtual class daily for each grade level. For Grade 7, this will be starting at 9:30 and ending between 10 and 10:15.  For Grade 8, this will be starting at 10:30 and ending between 11 and 11:15. A recording of the lesson will be taken and uploaded for students to have access to should they need it. There will be independent work to be completed daily attached to the lesson. Further, there will be work to be completed independently in the afternoons, and these expectations will be outlined to students during our first virtual meeting tomorrow.  Time for interventions will be scheduled as well and this will be communicated with students tomorrow, when these separate meetings will take place, usually in the afternoon though.  Attendance will be taken daily.

These are stressful times for everyone, and because of this, I encourage anyone who has any questions to reach out to me via email at  Please keep an eye on my teacher page via the Gretna Green School website, as often I will post messages here regarding when work is due and other messages so that parents can be kept in the loop without having to access their child's teams directly. 

Thank you and sincerely,

Mme Arsenault