April 28th 2020-Home Learning

Posted: April 26, 2020


1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRxv2z_xW5ReNyfjoMDPoA?view_as=subscriber


Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities (20 minutes)

1.     Go to the following link and listen to Sur ma route by Black M. Many of you will recognize this song from one we have listened to in class.  Your job this week is to turn the chorus into a lip synching tik tok or some kind of video and send it to me by email @ nadia.arsenault@nbed.nb.ca.  We are going to have our own virtual lip synch battle!  Follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3s8Xrl2Ffw

Reading Activities (20 minutes)

Work through the following inferencing questions.  Click on the first link, and it is going to take you to a free online pdf that is a stack of cards with inferencing questions. Do from 1-12 and write down your inferences on a piece of paper as you go.  Skip # 2 as this is difficult because of the context.  When you are done, check your answers at the second link!

1.     http://ekladata.com/D4kLfvuIvwhAbjC6RSKcyUN6y0M/Mission-lecture-cartes-sans-reponses.pdf

2.     http://ekladata.com/F0_70vIENk-AIFzj_8my-a8OaZU/Mission-lecture-cartes.pdf

3.     These links were taken from http://www.sanleane.fr/mission-lecture-les-inferences-a58423267


Writing Activities (20 minutes)

Ø  Take ten minutes and finish your list of ideas from yesterday, especially if you were not finished.  Now call a classmate or Facetime or video chat or whatever format you are using depending on your access and compare lists.  Add the ones to your list that maybe you had not thought of!


If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: nadia.arsenault@nbed.nb.ca and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!