May 25th 2020-Home Learning

Posted: May 24, 2020


No videos this week due to technical difficulties.

Oral/Listening Activities (10 minutes)

1.     Get your blindfold!  Follow along with these clips from Dessinatruc and do your best to listen and draw each picture.




Reading Activities (30 minutes)

None for today.

Follow the links- 6 et 7e année-critique:

8e année-opinion et persuasive-

Writing Activities (50 minutes)

1.     You should have your plan completed now and the option chosen for which path you would like to take to complete your persuasive writing.  This week is all about completing your draft for either your video or your 3 paragraph text.  Normally in class, I would do one on one sessions to guide your writing as you go through each process, looking over plans and drafts.  As this is something that we are not able to do at the moment, I am confident that the other pieces we have written this year will give you the tools you need to complete this at home.  However, as always you can email me with questions I will guide youJ 


For today write your introduction or shoot your introduction if you chose the video options.  Use the tools I provided last week and use the introduction examples from Dumbo and interdire les sacs plastiques.