May 5th 2020-Home Learning

Posted: May 1, 2020


1.     Watch the video explaining today’s activities and choices.  Follow the link-


Remember to only choose one from each category.

Oral/Listening Activities (20 minutes)

1.     Go to the following link and listen to Kraft Diner by Lisa LeBlanc.  This is an Acadian artist and there are many uses of Acadian jargon in the song writing. Your job this week is to listen to the song and count how many times she uses an Acadian way of expressing French. We are going to have our own virtual lip synch battle!  Follow the link:

Reading Activities (20 minutes)

Work through the following inferencing questions that use the same as last week except this time complete numbers 13-24.  Click on the first link, and it is going to take you to a free online pdf that is a stack of cards with inferencing questions and answer them on a piece of paper as you go.  When you are done, check your answers at the second link!



3.     These links were taken from


Writing Activities (20 minutes)

Ø  Take ten minutes and finish adding your opinion to the list from yesterday if you were not finished. Now call a classmate or Facetime or video chat or whatever format you are using depending on your access and compare lists.  When you explain why to your classmate, ask them what they think and compare opinions.  Remember, it is important to speak in French!


If there is anything that you did from the activities that you did today that you want to share, then please, with your parents’ permission, send it to my e-mail: and I will share it to my teacher page for others to see!