Posted: June 1, 2020
I just want to again thank you for your continued support in the at home learning. This week I ask that you child choose a non-fiction book at their level that they have not read. If they have read them all they can re-read their favorite book and answer at least two of the reading response questions.
This week your child will be researching a city in New Brunswick and planning a trip to that city for their writing piece. There are more detailed instructions on this week’s lessons link bellow along with a link to the tourism NB web page. I am aware that many festivals and events are canceled due to COVID-19 but I ask that your child use info from previous years festivals to gather their information.
Have a great week and do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns. Again, please keep an eye on your email as I will be sending out an email to check in with some of you and as always I love to hear back and to get pictures for our page.
Take care and Stay Safe