Posted: December 12, 2012
Math: Orange duo-tang- to be returned Friday, December 14th. Please complete "calculs troués" multiplication et division. Our class decided that they would like to finish the packet of "calculs troués" in one shot so rather than give multiplication one week and division the next, it is all due on the 14th.
Please make sure students go over last weeks homework and make any necessary corrections in a different color. :)
Math Test tomorrow module 2.
Français: compréhension de lecture to be finished if it was not finished in class
Guided Reading: Please read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night, Monday night to Thursday night. Please do not forget to bring in the sheet "Mes Lectures à la maison".
Science: test Friday on weather :)
This week is week #2 at the cafeteria.
We have gym class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, please remember your gym clothes.
Drama rehersals- Tuesday and Wednesday 2:30-3:30.