Homework, March 11

Posted: March 11, 2013

Math: Orange duo-tang- multiplying and dividing practice sheets to be returned  Friday, March 15th.     Français: Question 7-10 in the light blue duo-tang is due on Friday, March 15th.  writing: students are asked to write a small paragraph based on the writing prompt on the sheet in their pink duo-tang. reading comprehension: please read and answer this weeks reading comprehension "nouvelle école" with complete sentences.    Guided Reading:  Please read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night,  Monday night to Thursday night. Please do not forget to sign the sheet "Mes Lectures à la maison".   Science Fair: It is that time of year again where students get to test out some scientific questions. I have sent home a news letter with all of the information needed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!   Reminders:   This week is week number 2 at the cafeteria. We have gym class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: please remember your gym clothes.