Posted: November 17, 2009

This week’s entry will be questions. Please remember to log all entries in your Personal Journals, due on Friday. Journals will be due on Thursday this week.   French: Continue working on your Pod Pal paragraph - draft copy.              Practise your message de jour .. IF you have SMART software at home.  I have inluded a link to a free download trial version of SMART under the links tab.  I recommend you download the Student Version. Math:  Pg.63 (7,9,11,12,12,14)   Math Test: Thursday, November 19th   Practise your times table at home. This Friday’s quiz will focus on all our facts.  We have completed all facts, yeah!  Our Math quiz will be held on Thursday for this week. If you want to win Lingo on Friday ... you know what you have to do. You can do it!