Posted: May 18, 2020
Grade 7
This week we start Module 8 in math Makes Sense. Please have your child watch the video to learn the new concepts and vocabulary.
Encourage your child to learn their multiplication facts. Students should do Reflex each day this week. Below are some links to further practice multiplication.
Extra practice for those who asked for more area review:
Area of a triangle:
In a triangle any of the three sides could be used as the base. The height used must make a 90-degree angle with the base the student chooses to use. Sometimes this height will be a side of the triangle (in a right triangle), a measurement in the triangle or outside of the triangle. This is reviewed in the following video with the correct terms in French.
Worksheet to practice (with answers):
Area and perimeter of rectangles:
Worksheet to practice with answers.
Game to practice area of a rectangle: