
Posted: September 18, 2018

Terry Fox walk Friday afternoon.

Walking school bus Thursday morning.

Math 8

-Today we had two math classes.  We learnt how to divide integers.  Students worked on p. 87 Q 4 and 5 and p. 88 Q 8, 9 and 10.

-Time was given for students to complete their Mathletics tasks. 

-Formative test will be Friday with the summative test being Tuesday.

-Test sent home to be signed.

Math 7

-Today we went over how to use the counter model to subtract integers. 

-Homework p. 69 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.   Questions are scanned into the link below for notes.

-Student Mathletics accounts are now up and working.  Tasks should be complete for Monday of each week.

-Test was due back today signed. 

Math 6

-Today we learnt how to represent numbers three different ways: symbolic, developed and in words.  Students must be able to switch between the three methods.   This will require that students are able to write their numbers in French.  

-Homework is to 48 Q 1, 3 and p 50 Q 13.  Extra help was given today at lunch as I was not here Monday for our regular extra help time.

-Students were given their logins for Mathletics.   Mathletics has assignments that students should complete each week.  New tasks will be assigned each week. Please not that  << , >> mean thousands in English but decimal in French.   Mathletics also contains games to practice key math skills and tutorial books and videos for review.

-Test was due back today signed.

PDF icon sept_18th_math_6.pdf107.95 KB
PDF icon sept_18th_math_7.pdf1.64 MB
PDF icon sept_18th_math_8.pdf663.28 KB