
Posted: October 11, 2017

Math 8

-We reviewed material from grade 7 that students will need to use in our next unit. 

-Students completed tasks in Mathletics on our new unit.

Math 7

-Today learnt about how to calculate an average and find the mode in a list of numbers. 

-No homework.

Math 6

-Today we reviewed and worked on questions as a class.  We stressed the importance of reading the question and understanding what it is asking for.  Their are "key words" that students need to look for in the question to help them know how to answer it correctly.

-We went over multiples, factors, and primary numbers today.  See notes attached below.

-Students are to complete Q 1, 1, 2 on the handout.  All questions are with tree diagrams to find primary factors.

-We will not have our test until next week.

PDF icon oct_11th_math_7.pdf747.38 KB
PDF icon oct_11th_math_8.pdf2.53 MB
PDF icon oct_11th_math_6.pdf384.32 KB